It is such an honor and privilege to serve as a consistent voice about Keto in the national and local media. Below you’ll find a few of the places I’ve been quoted or my work has been published as an expert keto coach.

Michelle Borthwick, Keto Diet Coach

Women In Wellness Feature in Authority Magazine... Five Lifestyle Tweaks

  • Figure Out Where Your Passion Is. Now that you are ready to move your life forward decide what personal health commitments will give you a fresh start. I found for me, my health, my hormones, my weight, my mood, my food preferences… it’s Keto all the way. And this ignited a passion in me like no other. You must ask yourself… what is it for you? Is it resistance training, yoga, keto, paleo, or something else that will light your fire? If you make your commitment to something you are passionate about it will affirm your decision for wellbeing and you’ll be ready to take action. There is a direct link to finding happiness and health through our passions!

How to Keto as a Lifestyle.

  • In a recent article I shared about how to maintain a long-term Keto lifestyle. There’s so much controversy and confusing information that says Keto isn’t sustainable. I’ve been Keto for 3 ½ years now…and you can do it as well. Here is a recap of the previous tips I shared in Part 1 in my Coachella Valley Weekly article on April 15, 2021 (
  • Weight loss is an important goal for most of us and Keto is the best way to lose weight and burn body fat. But, what's next?
  • After you’ve lost the weight it’s crucial to find ways to stay motivated that inspire and sustain you beyond weight loss.
  • Take the time to learn about Keto and the Science behind it that allows you to maintain weight loss, have more energy and be in your best health ever.
  • So, what are some more tips in Part 2 to make Keto your ongoing lifestyle?

8 Tips for Women over 40 to Lose Weight on Keto

  • Many women find as they age their abdomens thicken and their weight increases no matter what they try. I’m here to give you hope.
  • Many women try adopting the low-carb or keto way of eating but get frustrated because they aren’t achieving the results they want.
  • If you are eating keto and want better results, I’ve come up with 8 options for you to look at to get you past your weight loss challenges.
  • Don’t eat too much protein: Women need less protein and can much more easily over-consume protein compared to men. If you and your husband are eating the same size steak, you are eating too much. The easiest way to figure it out is to take half your body weight and eat that amount of protein. Adjust it as you lose weight. Too much protein interferes with burning ketones and fat.

Here's Why I'm so passionate about Keto

  • Before I began my own Keto journey, I owned a successful marketing and branding agency, where the demands of my business life led to my being overweight and dealing with multiple health challenges. Every day left me depleted of energy, suffering with Gerd, plantar fasciitis, migraine headaches, severe brain fog and prediabetes. (in a glamour focused business that required tireless hours, endless creativity, and spunk…of which I had none).
  • I honestly found Keto because I was desperate to save my life. My day-to-day life had become too difficult and if I was to live out the rest of my life feeling the way I did, I couldn’t bear it another day. I haven’t looked back since I found Keto over 3 years ago. At that point I thought…what have I got to lose…and it ended up being the opposite… I had so much to gain. Keto gave me my life back. Fast forward to today… I’ve lost 40 pounds; reversed prediabetes and all my health problems are gone!

Michelle Borthwick, Keto Diet Coach

How to Stay Keto During the Holidays... Surviving & Thriving

  • Surviving and thriving with Keto during the holidays is possible. Just remember that the average person gains 10 pounds during the holidays but you aren’t going to be one of them. Plan to feast and thrive (not just survive) and enjoy the holidays while eating delicious Keto food. Follow these tips and you won’t miss a keto beat:

How Do You Go Back to Keto...after a fall from grace?

  • Have you fallen off the keto wagon? Are you bloated with body pains, headaches, brain fog, lack of energy and maybe even a little grumpy? Did that one small bite of non-keto food seem harmless, but it led to you to falling off the wagon with your face planted in some irresistible bread or dessert? If we aren’t mindful it’s easy to fall back into our destructive eating habits, hating the way we feel and gaining weight. We are all human with our own challenges in life. We stumble and fall and then course correct as needed. I get it. It happens to the best of us and I’ve had it happen to me.

Keto & Comfort Foods

  • The ketogenic diet is all about nourishing and healing our bodies with nutrient-dense whole foods. But food is more than just nourishment; food is tradition, food is love, food is celebration and most importantly, food is a comfort! When we think of eating a particular meal or the smell of a favorite childhood dish it brings up positive memories. Let’s face it…our lives revolve around food! When you begin the Keto diet, you don’t have to forget to enjoy food. Instead, embrace the Keto diet with a little creativity and seek out comfort foods you love that taste amazing! (without the carb coma or weight gain)

Keto vs. Low Carb. What's the Difference?

  • You hear a lot about how Keto and low carb are interchangeable. Most people think of Keto as a low carb diet…and it is. There is, however, a difference between the two diets. When you are eating a Keto diet, you’re burning fat (ketones) for energy instead of carbohydrates (glucose) on a low carb diet. Even though you are eating low carb, you are still using carbs for your fuel. And, the amount of carbs consumed is much higher on a low carb diet. Keep in mind that just because you reduce the amount of carbs you eat does not mean that you’re burning body fat for energy.

A Family Approach to Weight Loss

  • As a Mom if you put an emphasis on health it will motivate your children to eat better and be more active. Your involvement is crucial, and even better, get the entire family on board, engaged and focused on health. It changes the focus from losing weight to choosing the right foods and being active to stay healthy. When everyone in the family gets involved, it demonstrates that eating the right foods isn’t just “a diet for losing weight”, but that it’s a way of being strong, committed to health and that it’s good for the entire family!

Ladies...Will Your Jeans CLOSE When the Bars OPEN?

  • Just like the shutdowns went from “15 days to slow the spread” to an ongoing shutdown with no end in sight, Covid-15 weight gain is very real and is now venturing into Covid-25 and Covid-30. Yikes! First, the good news: The sooner you look to reverse weight that was gained…the quicker it can be lost. So, in this article we’ll talk about how “to slow the spread” of your waistline to get your ideal body back. And, how do you get reignited with your nutrition goals while “stuck” at home and doing everything else required of you?

How Do You Know if YOU Are Ready to Keto?

  • Keto is growing in popularity every single day. The world is loving all the success stories of hope around weight loss and health. It may have YOU thinking about Keto and wondering…. Am I ready to give it a try? Keto is often used for weight loss but there is so much more to it. You feel more energized, sleep better, you aren’t hungry, food cravings go away, mental focus improves, skin conditions clear up…just to name a few. Does this sound too good to be true? It’s popular because it works! Read on to find out my top 8 things you should know before deciding to go Keto

How Long Will it Take for Keto to Work for ME?

  • How long will it take Keto to work for me? After asking this most people readily admit they’ve made their decision to lose weight and get healthy and are ready to jump in now. And, may be a bit impatient. They have researched Keto and read testimonials about how you can have crazy weight loss in a short time on Keto. That’s where I step in to help them manage their expectations and challenge them to give it their best and see what happens. Everyone is different but I can guarantee that Keto works amazingly fast when done properly.

Why Are YOU Still Hungry on Keto?

  • Isn’t Keto the hunger and crave free diet? Many of us were told when we eat Keto, we won’t be starving like so many other diets out there. We were told you can eat when hungry to satiety then stop and then not worry about calories if we keep our carbs low, fats high and protein moderate. This is all true when you are doing Keto properly. If you are experiencing hunger on Keto, there is a misfire somewhere that needs corrected. Let’s take a look at some of the best RESCUE REMEDIES. These are proven remedies. Give them a try…I promise you will thank me later.

How Do YOU Keto in the Summer Heat?

  • Are there more challenges with Keto in the summer heat? We often have summertime memories of chilled watermelon, homemade ice cream, ripe peaches, and fresh corn on the cob. Then add in BBQs, vacations, pool parties and beach time and it might be easy to get distracted from your health and weight loss goals. You know how much you love the carefree “fun of summer” but you won’t love the potential weight gain it can bring! If you are concerned about succeeding with your Keto plan with all these delicious temptations and multiple opportunities to cheat, here are some tips to make staying Keto even easier in the summertime.

Keto & Women's Hormones

  • You may have heard, due to a lot of misinformation on the internet, that Keto damages women’s hormones. Find out how Keto actually heals women's hormones and change your life!

Keto On the Go

  • Does it seem impossible that you could eat Keto on the Go for four months? You may be thinking that’s a long time to be away from home, the comfort of your routine, having your own kitchen and living out of a suitcase.

Clean Keto vs. Dirty Keto

  • Those on the dirty Keto diet might use some ratio principles of Keto to indulge on traditionally unhealthy snacks and food. Think processed foods like pork rinds, protein bars, fast foods. It’s pretty much anything goes as long as it fits into your macro ratios. What do clean Keto dieters do different?

How Did My Keto Client go from a 3-Month Stall to a Loss of 9 pounds in Just One Week?

  • This is exactly where my client Tina — from Virginia — found herself after living the Keto lifestyle for 2 years. She lost an unbelievable 80 pounds and came to me looking for answers and didn’t know what to do after living through a weight loss stall of 3 months. She was determined to reach her goal weight and lose that final 25 pounds. She hadn’t “cheated” or stopped Keto so it was all very frustrating. She didn’t want to give up and knew she needed nuanced guidance to help to get her there.

Are You a Woman of a Certain Age?

  • Are you a woman of a certain age? With some life behind you giving up on how you look isn’t an option and you know age is just a number.
  • YOU are unashamed about going all out for yourself and having the body YOU want
  • It’s important for YOU to feel sexy and confident
  • YOU are goal-oriented and certainly haven’t given up on life. In fact, YOU are revving up more than ever
  • YOU won’t settle for less and constantly expand your goals
  • YOU are involved in life, your community, and socially active
  • YOU are outcome-oriented and will get that last bit of weight off

Keto Heaven vs. Keto Hell

  • I hear from so many women who have had great success with Keto and lost enough weight to be encouraged. They were experiencing the amazing benefits of “Keto Heaven”. However, despite their best efforts, the weight loss STOPPED. Now, they have reached a level of frustration that I call “Keto Hell”. They have no idea what to do next to get them back to to “Keto Heaven” where everything was working perfectly. They were just about ready to give up on Keto.

How to Tell if You Need a Coach

  • People find success every day without a coach. It’s totally possible for you to find success without a coach. But perhaps that’s not the best question. Instead of asking if you NEED a coach, perhaps you should ask if a coach will allow you to avoid the frustrating mistakes that can plague your journey to Keto success; can a coach get you there faster and with better results? And the answer to that is: absolutely

Why Keto is the Perfect Diet for Busy Moms

  • What if there truly was a perfect diet designed for busy Moms that guarantee quick weight loss, fits easily into your schedule, and simplifies your life. Too good to be true? Read on to find out why Keto is increasingly the diet of choice for Moms whose lives are already pressed for time juggling children, work, activities, cooking, relationships, household responsibilities, friendships, and more.
  • This is because Keto simplifies your life, allowing you to lose weight without feeling hungry and increasing your energy, so even new moms (or moms of multiples) end the day without falling into the bed in utter exhaustion.

Is Keto Worth It? Yes, Just Keep Going Once You Start

  • Are you new to Keto and need some encouragement? Congratulations for making the decision to choose the Keto lifestyle. Going Keto, particularly if you’re not coming from a low-carb lifestyle, could have some challenges in the beginning since it’s a big change in the foods you eat and your mindset has to be in the game.
  • It’s an easy diet but may seem complicated until you learn the ropes and start reaping the amazing benefits of Keto. It’s worth it! Just Keep Going and here are a few tips to keep you Keto Strong.

Is There a Mindset Involved with Keto

  • Yes, there is a mindset to doing the Keto diet and it’s not a one-size fits all for everyone. We are all different and Keto requires customization. Mindset, however, is not negotiable because it’s such a vital component that is directly tied to your success, results and ability to make it a sustainable way of life. Keto is more than a diet, it’s a lifestyle change
  • We’d look at what foods you crave, what foods you can’t live without, your expectations, goals and desires that you want Keto to provide and much more. You can have the perfect Keto plan mapped out, all the right foods in your house and an app to track your progress but without the right mindset it won’t pay off.

Has Keto Betrayed You? Consider Taking it Back into Your Life

  • Did you try Keto only to feel betrayed? Maybe you had success initially then the weight loss stopped. Maybe it was too difficult with all the crazy rules, macro counting, app tracking, intermittent fasting, etc. and it was producing small results. Maybe the “rules” depending on where you got your advice, was confusing and conflicting. It's all too easy to get caught up in the specific rules of Keto. Many give up and think they’ve done something wrong. They didn’t know where to turn or how to start over differently. It wasn’t their fault.

Have You Been Cheating? And, Want to Get Back into Ketosis Fast

  • Have you have been giving into that craving on too many occasions? You are starting to gain weight back and you are back into a carb coma that feels uncomfortable. I get it. Don’t beat yourself up. If you aren’t in the right mindset it can be difficult to stay Keto and temptation is everywhere. No judgement here. The real question is? Are You Ready to Get Back on the Keto Horse? The beauty about Keto is you can begin again at any time and the sooner the better!

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